Eight steps to buying your home

 Here's a quick overview of what to expect in the home-buying process, as well as what to expect from a good real estate agent and what to ask yourself to help guide you to your dream home.

Deciding how much house you can afford

The relationship between you and your lender is limited and does not need to define your purchase. Pricing goes beyond just how much banks will loan you and it can be difficult to decide what price range to look for.

Creating your home wishlist

 There are some questions about your preferences that your agent may ask and you may not be prepared for. Here's a quick list of things about a home that you may not have considered and would be beneficial to have in mind while speaking to an agent.

Location, Location, Location

They say location is everything, but how does this apply to you in your search? Here are some things to consider about the location to look in that is optimal for you, an important building block to finding the perfect home.

Opting for new home construction

Building your own home opens many doors for customization and reduction of compromise. While this can be beneficial in having more options available, there is also the risk of having too many options to choose from, getting lost and confused, and ultimately spending more money than necessary for options that you aren't confident in. Speaking to a real estate agent can be very beneficial in navigating these options for those who are interested in new construction, here are a few reasons why.

How can a real estate agent help me?

 For those not interested in new construction, an agent is still a valuable tool in your home search!

Eight important questions to ask your agent

 There are certainly a number of people who have been burned by real estate agents, but not all agents are alike and there are ways to know if an agent is competent and has an approach to the market that is the best for you.

Mortgage Calculator

This is only a bare-bones calculation of what general range of prices one can expect to pay on their mortgage, speaking with a lender is highly recommended for the best deals and more accurate information that is unique to you.

Contact us about buying your home